Video Super-Resolution Quality Assessment Challenge 2024


Here you can find the actual leaderboards of this challenge

PRELIMINARY Final Leaderboard

Here you can find combined challenge results. Public Score: score on the public test set. Private Score: score on the private test set. Final Score: combined challenge score ((Public Score + 2 * Private Score) / 3)

Team Type Public Score Private Score Final Score
QA-FTE NR Image 0.8661 0.8575 0.8604
TVQA-SR NR Image 0.8906 0.8448 0.8601
SJTU MMLab NR Video 0.8906 0.8362 0.8543
Wink NR Video 0.8864 0.8014 0.8297
sv-srcb-lab NR Video 0.7926 0.8432 0.8263
Q-Align (baseline) NR Image 0.7028 0.7855 0.7580

PRELIMINARY Private Test Set Leaderboard

Here you can find challenge results on the private test set. Easy, Medium, Hard: average of SROCC across all videos from the respective subset. Score: average score on full set ((0.3 * Easy + 0.4 * Medium + 0.5 * Hard) / 1.2)

Team Type Easy Medium Hard Private Score
QA-FTE NR Image 0.8595 0.9323 0.7965 0.8575
TVQA-SR NR Image 0.8741 0.9115 0.7738 0.8448
SJTU MMLab NR Video 0.9044 0.9255 0.7239 0.8362
Wink NR Video 0.8600 0.8986 0.6885 0.8014
sv-srcb-lab NR Video 0.8758 0.9014 0.7769 0.8432
Q-Align (baseline) NR Image 0.8864 0.8456 0.6770 0.7855

PRELIMINARY Public Test Set Leaderboard

Here you can find challenge results on the public test set. Easy, Medium, Hard: average of SROCC across all videos from the respective subset. Score: average score on full set ((0.3 * Easy + 0.4 * Medium + 0.5 * Hard) / 1.2)

Team Type Easy Medium Hard Public Score
QA-FTE NR Image 0.8899 0.8471 0.8669 0.8661
TVQA-SR NR Image 0.9245 0.8763 0.8819 0.8907
SJTU MMLab NR Video 0.9383 0.8832 0.8679 0.8906
Wink NR Video 0.9311 0.8769 0.8672 0.8864
sv-srcb-lab NR Video 0.8967 0.7607 0.7556 0.7926
Q-Align (baseline) NR Image 0.8908 0.7070 0.5867 0.7028

Preliminary Leaderboard

Here you can find what the leaderboard was like during the Challenge. These results were obtained on a public test set. Easy, Medium, Hard: average of SROCC across all videos from the respective subset. Score: average score on full set ((0.3 * Easy + 0.4 * Medium + 0.5 * Hard) / 1.2)

Team Name Participants Metric Metric Type Easy Medium Hard Score
02 Aug 2024